Monday, January 14, 2008

food -- again

I thought I had the food thing figured out.

Miriam was one of the great vegetarian cooks. Her table was set with great food and it was done in color coordination as well as arrangement.

But that was then.

Now she opens cans and cooks 3 or 4 times too much food and her combinations are pretty wild.

During the months we were looking after Jim, it worked pretty well. We were together all of the time, so I would make the move for dinner prep and it went pretty well.

Footnote: we usually eat just twice a day, 9 and 4, and I have been the breakfast cook for a long time.

So, yesterday I had work to do in my cabinet shop and told her that I would come in at 4 and begin dinner, since we had breakfast an hour later than usual that morning.

But when I came in at 3:30, dinner was underway big time. Not terribly bad combinations, but way too much of it. I had her put back half of the broccoli she had ready to cook, then part of that half.

And when I said that she had agreed to let me fix dinner at 4, things came unhinged. As she was ranting, I remembered she had missed her pills that morning,and getting them down later in the day is always a challenge.

So, here we are today. I am not sure exactly what to do next, but I think it will involve a lot of wild combinations, of excess preparation and of food recycled to the compost.

Durn, I thought I had it all figured out. Oh well.


nancy said...

unfortunately as the AD progresses, we come to expect more days like what you described. hang in there dave, you are a wonderful man who obviously loves his wife and family very much.

dave said...

thank you nancy, yes I do love my family, and my extended family as well