Thursday, January 17, 2008

Miriam's birthday

Tomorrow is sweet Miriam's birthday, her 71st.

When she was diagnosed, right after her 62nd, I was sure the world would end any moment. I was devestated, to say the least.

But here we are a long time later, and she is still pretty wonderful. It is not perfect, but our life right now is good, very good actually.

Tomorrow one daughter and her family (husband and 4 kids) will visit overnight. That will make the day special. I expect the others to call as well. Our oldest grandson (also a David) shares the birthday with Miriam. He always calls, bless him. Miriam had a brother (Claude) 5 years old who shared this birthday, and the day that David was born another of Miriam's brother's had a grandson born. That is a lot of sharing of one birthday.

Unfortunately, we lost Claude last year.

It will be a good day and she will be pleased. We will have cake and ice cream, but no candles!

Incidentally, my trusty macbook is in the shop this week and I am doing this from an old mac destop I was given recently. It works, but it ain't the same. My book has 2 Gb of RAM this one has 256 Mb. How do you spell slow? Smallram!!


StefanieRose said...

HAPPY Birthday!! Not you DAVID, MIRIAM! :) I like you too though. Have a good day tomorrow with your wonderful red head.

dave said...

I will, I will.

nancy said...

Happy Birthday Miriam!! i hope she is able to enjoy and remember this special day surrounded by her family.

Joanne said...

Hope Miriam enjoyed her day, and you did, too. Happy Birthday, Miriam!!!!

rainbowheart said...

Happy Birthday Miriam!!!And Happy Birthday to everyone else that shares this day with her. Dave, we too have 4 birthdays in one day. My oldest sister gave birthday to 3 of her children on my father's birthday and then we have 3 other birthdays in the same week. So, we have one big birhtday party now that everyone is grown. It is a huge party, needless to say...hehehehe