Thursday, November 20, 2008


On average I live among wealthy people. On average.

My neighbor Frank is 99 years old this year. His father began a seed corn business about a hundred years ago. Frank and George his brother, ran the company until they passed management on to other family members.

In fact, no matter where you might live, if you ate fresh sweet corn last year, the seed probably came from the Frank and George company!

I am told that Frank is very wealthy, and as I think of it I am sure he is. I commented on the fact that, while he does not drive any longer, he always has a newer Chevrolet in his driveway, and was told that the car belongs to the company!

I think the fun part of this story is that I live in a very humble neighborhood. Some houses are a bit larger, with more space and dirt and grass, but Frank’s is very modest. His house was built in the early 70’s, a bit before mine, and Frank and his wife moved in. He was about 60 then. He could afford anything he might want. He could life in a Mac-Mansion, but he chooses to live very humbly.

Frank and I are not fast friends, though we wave when we pass. But he impresses me big time.

Next year Frank will turn 100, and one of the vp’s of Frank’s company (another neighbor) tells me that a big party is being planned.

My guess is that he will be embarrassed by it all, but will “allow” all of us to celebrate his birthday.

He is a good guy. We need more like him.

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