Saturday, October 17, 2009

gardening season

Gardening season is about over for another year.

That is both bad and good. A big garden can be a lot of work, but the goodies are more than reward. For me gardening is as much therapy as food. I still have Kale that will be eatable all winter and the cold frame has some salad greens, but mostly it is over.

Yesterday I backed the big flat bed trailer up to the garden and began loading debris that does not compost easily. I cut the tops off all of the asparagus, pulled out the tomato and pepper plants, stacked the tomato supports and got ready to attack the corn patch.

This morning I am going to make some peach crisp. Never heard of such a thing but as daughter said: why not? I was going to make a peach cobbler but the recipe called for an egg. We are out and grocery shopping day / pay day is later this week.

The freezer is full of the bounty, the fruit jars will be full after the grapes. Grandsons are anxious that I bring some grape juice Thanksgiving.

I wil miss grabbing a knife and heading out to the garden to get fresh veggies for dinner.

We gardeners dream of “next year,” the rows will all be straight, the strawberries red and the weeds will magically disappear. Already my garden journal already has pages of notes for next year.

Pilots “hanger fly.” When they can’t be flying they sit and talk about it. I “paper garden.” Soon seed catalogs will begin to arrive!

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