Sunday, December 27, 2009

on the road yet again

Today is travel day!

We leave daughter one's comfortable and hospitable home, stop briefly at daughter two's house and head for home.

It was November 22 when we were home last. It must still be there, none of my three friends/neighbors has called to tell me otherwise and all have my phone number.

We will be glad to be home again, but we will never forget the joy and fun of this trip, of hanging with all of our grandkids, of hugging all of our daughters and then hugging them again.

It has been a good trip, but it is time to go home. Miriam has had spells of anger at me for wanting to move her, which was not a thought until she brought up the subject, but she has happily worked on jig saw puzzles and kitchen cleaning at every stop. Every day she has asked me when we were going home, and when I answered with a date too far ahead of time she would ask: "How come?"

As I look back at this year, we were away from home a month in the spring and a month in the fall and a few weeks in the middle. We were away about a fourth of the time. Nearly all of that was with family.

I am so grateful that it was possible.

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