Thursday, January 21, 2010

best present ever

Miriam's birthday was Monday.

Monday was a holiday so grandson Ben was not working, and he called first. In his gravely careful voice he wished grandma a happy birthday.

Through the day all of the daughters checked in with the same message. Emily called in the evening and she and her mom talked to Miriam.

But there is one person who shares the day. Our oldest grandson was born on Miriam's birthday 27 years ago. If he does not call grandma the day of her birthday, he is totally forgiven, after all he has things to do on that day!

“David (he was named after his two grandfathers: David James) you are my best birthday present ever.”

I reminded her that I bought her a new car for her birthday one year, and though we all laughed at the comparison, she would not give in. “No, David James was my best birthday present.”

And that is true, of course.

He is a boy to be proud of. He has about 4 years of formal eduction, but has a couple of associate degrees, and has a very responsible job at the computer center of a hospital chain. He was promoted a while back because his superiors saw nascent managerial ability.

So, grandma was dutifully wished a happy birthday. She kept asking the same questions of them, but they understood.

Love you each.

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