Friday, June 3, 2011


Today I am chasing forms.

Proof of this and proof of that. Nothing complex, but all take time.

The forms are all supposed to be in to the Washington State office by Monday, but that can't happen easily.

So, I will call the case worker and ask for a bit more time. The alternative is to drive 500 miles to hand deliver the envelop, or to pay $20 to 50 for overnight delivery.

I do not begrudge the state (I went through the same process with Idaho a year or so ago) doing a good job to make sure of the rules. That is OK. Some of the questions they ask and the information they seek is wonderfully simple to the one who wrote it, but does not always make sense to those of us out here!

There is one form that has to show all who live at daughters address. There are 7, and all over 18 must sign the form. That includes our 25 year old "challenged" grandson, but that still is OK.

In another week we have a multiple hour conversation with the assigned caseworker. Miriam will be less than gracious I am sure, but I'll bet the caseworker has gone through that before.

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