Friday, November 23, 2007

giving thanks

Thanksgiving was yesterday, I know.

It was a busy day with out a lot of time for reflection, and besides, I wanted to write about it after it was over.

Of course, we ate to excess, though I have overeaten with more vigor at other times. We went for a nice walk. My two grandsons that live here, were wonderful. I went out to my tear in the late morning, and took a much longer nap than I ever do, but it was one of those days.

The neighborhood was fairly quiet, except for the guy a couple houses down who was using a gas powered concrete saw, or at least that is what I guessed it to be. Sounded like a chain saw, but unless he was sawing huge logs, it just took too long.

Then we sat down to eat.

Since it was Thanksgiving day, we made the round telling of our thanks this special day.

We were thankful, pretty much, for the standard stuff of life: Family, spouses, friends. Grand kids were mentioned, as well they should.

I didn’t say anything about our boarder Alz, it did not seem the right place. But, in the back of my mind I had to thank the old goat. We had another good thanksgiving.

Miriam took part in the conversation, even if she repeated herself. She cleaned up afterward (you cannot under state the value of someone who cleans up without complaint or even being asked. In fact, if you tell her to stop and sit down she will ignore your request).

Son in law and Miriam walked together, on our walk. Curtis is supremely patient and kind (he is a high school teacher, after all), and they enjoyed each other’s company.

Alz, you old goat, thanks for giving us another good day, and if there is a place for a wish, could we have a few more? Please? With sugar and spice?


rainbowheart said...

Beautifully stated........

nancy said...

i'm so glad you were able to have a good day with family and especially miriam!

dave said...

We may have picked up some colds from other grand kids.
Maybe that is a good reason to stay home until spring!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post Dave.

Blessings to you and yours.

Sorry about the colds. I noticed that every time my grandkids would visit that I usually got a cold. Dad never did though. It doesn't happen now so I think it had a lot to do with caregiving in my case.

Joanne said...

I wished for my fellow caregivers to have a good day. I'm so glad you did. Happy Thanksgiving, Dave and Miriam!