Wednesday, January 9, 2008


We don’t get a lot of snow.

We live in the desert, which means the rain/snow are in short supply. Ten or eleven inches of rain is what we call a wet year.

So, in the winter we can get snow, but it has to be cold enough and then there has to be moisture, a combination that does not often come out even for long. This is one of those snowy winters. I think we’ve had 13” so far and it keeps coming down.

Even my effort at cross country skiing did not really make winter fun. Snow is pretty when you look out the window, but I worked and traveled to jobs in the stuff my whole life and it as a major pain.

I do find some good in this stuff. I can easily tell where my neighbor kids cut across my place. Leo the dog does his thing very quickly when there is snow, and is eager to come back inside -- not a good list at all, is it? The roads are slick and hazardous, but my little car has good tires (for a while yet) and goes through the stuff pretty nicely.

Usually it does not stick around too long, OK it has been on the ground for a month, now and again, and spring is ahead of us, it really is.

Really the good part is that it will warm up a bit soon and I an work outside again, and I finished my seed orders yesterday for next year’s garden.

Spring is on the way, even if it is cold and miserable outside.

1 comment:

~Betsy said...

It's pretty to look at, but that's about it! We've had an unusual January thaw here the last couple of days and it has been a welcome reprieve. I'm sure the snow will return here soon.