Friday, February 15, 2008

home again

We are back home again.

We had a wonderful week with kids and grandkids and sons in law and dogs and cats mixed with lots of love and good food. It was about as good as it gets.

When we got home the house was cool but after running the wood burning stove for a few hours it is quite comfortable, again.

Daughter one, where we stayed most of this trip has two sons and one daughter still at home. The oldest boy is still a child in many awful ways, the girl is a teen and the younger boy is a tease. They picked at each other without undue malice as they interacted.

Daughter never lost her cool. She was happy and shamelessly positive all day long. There were admonitions from time to time, but when it was time for them to go out the door for school and jobs, she stood at the door, made sure each one had a lunch and gave them all a hug as they began their day away.

Even though the kids were often acting just like kids, I was amazed, and pleased.

The second daughter runs a very disciplined household. The kids are adept at a lot of tasks and work like little beavers. This family home schools, so they are together all day every day. They worked together with an occasional spat, but actually they do wonderfully well, I think.

The oldest son is graduating from high school this year, along with 4 or 5 other home schooled kids in the area. The father, my son in law, is a certified teacher, so that may explain a few things.

Both families get on with just one worker spouse. One daughter stays home full time, scratch cooks, grows a garden and takes good care of all of them. The second daughter is the wage earner in her family. She is an RN and works 12 hour night shifts. There are several days each week when the kids don’t see a lot of mom.

But when I used the kids bathroom, I saw a post it note stuck on the wall above the vanity sink. I loved it’s message:

“I love you my children” (heart) mom.

What else might one say?


StefanieRose said...

You really raised a great daughter. She is retuning the favor now. To you. To her own kids. She is full of the kind of love that you always seem to have for people(even the random ones on the east coast). I am glad to know your family, even if just though the web.

Anonymous said...

Daugher #1 here.

After 25 years of full-time mothering... it is with a quietly measured amount of JOY that I send them all off in the mornings, lunch in hand. It has only been in the last two years, since Ben (our second born, developmenally challenged son) has been able to work, that I have had ALONE time. There has always been, after our first 5 years of marriage, SOMEONE home with me. So... I enjoy the blissfully quiet time to do what needs doing around here. I never thought that I'd enjoy being alone (I'm extremely social by nature) but... When I hug and kiss 'em all good-bye in the morning, I have to restrain myself to not act to joyful. They might misinterrupt it as not liking their presense... and that's not completely true. ;)