Sunday, February 10, 2008


Yesterday morning on my way back to bed after a visit to the boys room, I kicked the leg of a chair.

Thought that little toe would come off, or that there would be a puddle of blood in my bed. Shucks, it didn’t even show a mark, but it sure did hurt for a while.

So in the afternoon I went for a walk. There is a paved lane right across from my daughters house that goes half a mile into a field. My foot was feeling better and the walk was good.

On the way back I noticed a red glow over the top of the neighbor house. The closer I got the larger the glow (it was also getting darker). Then I could flames through the front window. Big ugly flames.

I called my son in law: “Your neighbor’s house is on fire.”

Well I walked further, and the flames in the front window were not visible. As I got even closer, the neighbor came home, walked into the house and turned on the lights. Then he walked out and got his mail. He was obviously not concerned.

Well it turned out there was a fire half or three quarters of a mile in back of the house and when I was in the just right spot I could see through the house and see the fire. The glow was from the fire way back there.

So happily the neighbor’s house did not catch on fire, and I was reminded once again that things are not always what they seem.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Oh my Gosh! How strange that you could see the fire through the house. Good that you called and good that their house wasn't on fire.