Friday, February 27, 2009


Gail Sheehy once wrote that if you had lived to be 50 or 60 (I forgot which), you were a full generation younger than your father.

She may well have been right.

I get a bit morbid from time to time, yesterday for instance, and am not sure about all of this. Part of the problem is that we can feel healthy and not be!

Several of my friends are hard to get information from. Donna is married to Don, and when I want to ask about Don’s health, which is a little tenuous at best, I ask Donna. She tells me.

So it may well be on a lot of levels we are probably not the best judge of ourselves.

But there is such a benefit from having an upbeat outlook on life. Generally I do that pretty well, except in late winter. A couple days ago it was nice and I worked outside. I pruned half of the grapes, and cut and burned brush from a Russian Olive tree that blew down in a storm. Sure made that corner of the estate look better (though there is a LOT to do yet).

Then yesterday was windy and cold.

I am so glad my dear Miriam is doing well. And of course, being the grandson of a champion worrier, I remind myself that that will not always be true. But for now, it is wonderful.

The apostle Paul had something to say on the subject: “In all things be thankful.”

Thanks I think I need to be reminded.


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