Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Some years ago daughter one (1) gave me a good sized empty book and told me to write the story of my life. I began with a furry but bogged down after a few dozen pages. I tried to get that one in chronological order.

This blog is partly to let me vent about AD from time to time, to share life with people around that I have never met, and to tell that story to my family, one notch at a time. If I can write a bit every day or almost every day, I will eventually get my story told. And it will be in no particular order at all.

I try to choose stories that might have interest outside of our family. I cannot know if I am always successful.

And, being old (when it is to my advantage) I do not always remember, so I may tell the same story or show the same picture more than once, that is a risk. I can hope that the retelling is more entertaining than the original!

Truth, after all is subjective!

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