Thursday, June 18, 2009

Asparagus is an interesting crop. It takes patience to get a bed established, but once it is, the plants live for a very long time. This patch is just coming into it's own.
We get about as much as we can eat each spring.


arutherford said...

I had no idea asparagus grew that tall. I opted out of growing asparagus this time since I was a beginner gardener. Maybe next summer.

dave said...

The part you eat is usually just 8 or 10" high, but at some point you let it go to full height. The top is necessary for next year's growth I am told. This fall I'll cut them back.

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

I enjoy the look of asparagus plants in my flowering pots. Does that count?:)