Wednesday, June 17, 2009

go shoot

Dad, how do you photograph food?

Of all my creative daughters this one seems to have no limit. She is a top graphic designer, but she gets asked to do other things regularly.

Her eperience with “profesional” food photographers was not positive, nor was her clients view of the photog in question, so the phone call.

I have done a bit of food photography, but not a lot. The basics are explainable, so I gave her a 4 minute photography class.

It is hard to make hamburgers look “glamorous” without a lot of cheating, and that is how great food photographs are made. Her shoot was good enough for the menus and reader board.

Another time she called about architectural photography. She was working for an architect at the time. He handed her his spendy digital camera and said: “Go shoot.”

This is what she came up with:

Either I am a super teacher or she is a super student, because for her first architectural shoot she did pretty amazing work.

I am proud of you Dea.

BTW, look at the rental price. That is a MONTH I think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, that is per month....but alas, he had to lower $5,500.
thanks for the kind words. :-)