Monday, June 1, 2009

I am sad

Today is a sad day.

Even though I am not directly involved, I will grieve today and for days to come I fear.

My family were Ford people. My dad owned two Fords when he died. My step dad drove Fords until he bought a Hillman and then a Toyota and a Mitsubishi.

My first car was a chrysler, but along the way I have owned a garage full of Fords.

Truth is that I bought my first Chevrolets in 1992. The two best vehicles I ever owned. I still drive one of those 92 models, it continues to serve me well. Chrysler became a division of a german company, who bought high, dropped a bucket of balls and sold cheap. Now we are giving the company to yet another foreign owner/builder.

The sad thing is that it was assisted suicide. There are so many who bear some responsibility for this fall. Maybe this is good for us in some nutty way, but I still mourn.

It will work out some how. There is no shortage of cars to buy, though the slump in buying has all manufacturers fearful. What, they wonder, if Americans get over their habit of frequently buying cars?

What if they do like I do. Both of the cars I own I bought new. I will drive them until they wear out. The only reason I sold my ’92 pickup was that I drove it literally until it did wear out -- at 240,000 miles.

Six years later, I still miss that wonderfully simple Chevy pickup.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was more encouraged about this until this morning when I heard that the break even for the "new" GM is 10 million cars based on $8,000 profit per car.

Before hearing this I was just skeptical. Now I am considerably south of doubtful.

Also heard there are something over 300,000 retirees drawing benefits and fewer than 30,000 GM employees.

Definitely a sad, sad situation.