Saturday, January 30, 2010


Why is our country in such a mess?

That is easy to understand, of course. It was the last president's fault, or the one before him or is it really?

I read a piece by an economist from the north mid states.

He made an interesting observation and conclusion.

We voted for the candidate who promised us what we wanted, even if what we wanted was self destructive in the long run.

Every pol I remember has gone to their job to cut costs and deliver better. On a national level each president has overseen an increase in the size and cost of government, no matter what they promised going in.

We all want to pay less in taxes, and we want more from our Social Security. So we voted our wants rather than our best.

So now we get to pay, as our great nation declines.

I don't like that last word, but I am afraid it is true.

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