Monday, January 25, 2010


The sermon this week was about friendship.

That is not what the pastor said it was about, in fact I don't think he even used the word.

What he wanted to talk about was the benefit of small groups in the church setting. He made a case for the importance of having groups for everyone. It is a good thing to talk about. In his effort to promote his “new” idea, he seemed to ignored several groups that have existed for a good while.

The bible discussion group I facilitate has endured for about 17 years. We have about two dozen members, and we share a lot of time together. We 'break bread' together often, we bear each others burdens, we genuinely care.

Friendship is so important for all of us, having a group of people that we can count on for support and care is critically important, it seems to me.

Church surely is not the only place to find friendship and support. I attend a AD support group that is greatly helpful in dealing with that part of my life.

It is so easy to get hung up with theology and to miss more important things (that is the gospel according to dave!).

I cannot imagine life without these “small groups.”

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