Thursday, March 18, 2010


Terry called yesterday.

He is my back neighbor. We look after each other's places when one of us is out of town. He has a key to my house. I trust him.

He had just bought a one way ticket to San Diego. He did not know when he would be back. His only grandson was in the hospital in critical condition.

The little guy is about 6 months old. Terry and Mary are in their middle 50's and this is their first and only grandchild.

The boy was having seizures and they did not know what was causing the problem, but he is in the finest children's hospital in the area, and he is getting good care. We hope and pray that will be what he needs.

So, as I work outside I look over at Terry's houses, just over the grape arbor.

There is nothing I can do.

There is nothing harder than having a child who is seriously ill, I am sure. I have not been in that position, but one of my daughters has and is.

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