Saturday, May 16, 2009


Were I a saint, I think I might be able to handle all of this. But I did not make the cutoff.

The sink is plugged. Miriam did it. She pushed the unit full, turned on the motor and then the water, and it was too little too late.

So I ask her not to do anything in the kitchen that requires water, till I get a chance to unplug everything yet again (this drain system has been plugged three times since Linda has owned the house, and guess who did it all those times).

But she cannot remember and so she uses more water. I remind her and it is war. She was always one whose rightness was a bit over the top and at times it is every more so now.

She will argue, but she won’t change. So I give up. I can fix it later.

Is there any chance I could borrow a bit of sainthood now and then?


Unknown said...

I had precious little "saintlyness" to begin with and used up most of it a while back. Otherwise I'd give you some of what I have left.

These kinds of things actually happen a lot to people with no illnesses at all.

Bless you. Praying for you.

dave said...

Thanks Terry.

Anonymous said...

Quick, put duct tape over the switch!!
Sainthood comes with action!

Unknown said...

Duct tape has two disadvantages when it comes to covering switches. One is that it is intriguingly noticeable and irresistibly enticing to certain curious individuals.

The second which flows from the first is that it is rather easily removable.

Disconnection is possible but ultimately impractical because sometimes disposals have to work in order to allow the fluids to pass.


arutherford said...

How about a small picture covering the switch? Those in the know can secretly reach under the picture to turn the switch. Others just might thing the new decoration a thing of beauty. ;-}