Thursday, November 4, 2010


Once upon a time there was a man who thought that business could not do anything really right.

He had been told that, he had observed the fact, so that he really truly believed it.

The irony of the situation was that the man was a medium level manager of that company he was sure could do nothing wrong.

And, since the company could do nothing right, there was no point in him even trying to prove the statement wrong, so he did his job as badly as he could, since, as I said, he was sure there really was nothing wrong with his logic. He did not get fired, and he did not get advanced, he got by, year after year.

The problem was that the company had a lot of employees that thought the same thing, and worked and acted accordingly.

When the company failed, it was the sales department, or the computer guys or someone that caused the failure.

Now that I think about it, I remember that the guy actually worked for the government and not for a business.


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